Interesants raksts par Deividu "Son of Sam" Berkovicu, vienu no slavenajiem ASV sērijslepkavām un plašāku kontekstu ap viņa darbībām, kas iekļauj sātanisma praksi, kas neaprobežojas ar viņu pašu.
Readers of the New York Daily News learned to associate “The Wicked King of Wicker” with murder and terror. At the thought of King Wicker, millions felt fear. This fear was imprinted on their minds. This is the same control process hundreds of peasants were put through a thousand years ago while standing in front of a giant wicker effigy, inside of which was caged doomed human sacrifice destined for burning.
The only difference is that the peasants knew that their leaders wanted them to fear an occult image. Modern people imbibe occult fear technology while imagining that there is no such thing. The imprint’s impact is doubled when veiled under such ignorance.