The Equality Act
Patīk kā viņi vienmēr izvēlas tos ironiski distopiskos nosaukumus saviem institūtiem un dokumentiem. 1984 tiek bez ironijas lietots kā rokasgrāmata, no kuras gan idejas smelties gan lozungus špikot.
If adopted, the plan and the Equality Act would repeal the current administration’s rule and shut down agencies that refuse to violate their deeply held beliefs, preventing the placement of thousands of children with a caring father and mother.
The Equality Act and similar proposals would also threaten homeless shelters that arrange their housing according to biological sex.
In Alaska, a biological man who “identifies” as a woman attempted to enter the Hope Center, a shelter for abused women. Since the women share bathroom facilities and sleep near each other, the shelter refused to admit him.
He later filed a complaint for “gender identity discrimination.” The current administration has proposed a rule to protect shelters such as the Hope Center, which desire to respect the privacy of women in their care, but even that would also be reversed by LGBT activists’ proposals.
Their radical agenda would also extend to the criminal justice system. It would require prisons to make housing assignments based on the gender identity of the inmate. In the United Kingdom, where a similar law is already in place, a male rapist was transferred to a women’s prison because he “identifies” as a woman. Once there, he twice committed sexual assaults.
The health care sector also would be substantially affected by these proposals. The plan “will ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have full access to all appropriate health care treatments and resources.” That includes taxpayer-funded hormone treatments and sex-change surgery for transgender individuals through the Affordable Care Act.
It would also affect privacy, safety, and fairness for children in public schools. It promises to reinstate the Obama administration’s guidance that required schools to allow students who identify as transgender to access the bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex.
Girls would be at a disadvantage on their own sports teams, as biological males would be able to compete against them. Two males in Connecticut, who “identify” as female, easily took first and second place in a girls track and field state competition, and such a policy would be mandatory nationwide under the Equality Act and related policies.ētisti jau ir tikai par taisnīgumu un lai neviens necieš no naida un neiecietības. *šņuk*
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