"Unfortunately Guenther’s misguided book is gaining traction. Shelter director Kristen Hassen opines that Guenther “gets it right” in concluding that “racism, classism and the caste system are at the heart of the broken animal sheltering institution.” Arguing that laws to prevent mistreatment of dogs discriminate against “anyone in the US other than white, middle class and upper-class individuals,” Sloane Hawes, Tess Hupe and Kevin Morris of the University of Denver Institute for Human-Animal Connection cite the book in their proposal to relax enforcement of animal protection laws—a proposal that threatens to reverse decades of hard-won progress."
Ieskats iekš "low expectations racism", kuru piekopj kreizie. Viņa saka, ka "non whites" nespēj labturīgi rīkoties ar lopiņiem, tāpēc likumi, kas aizsargā dzīvnieku tiesības ir rasisma izpausme, jo ne-baltie šo likumus nekad nespēs ievērot.
Šī ir 'profesore', kas to raksta.

Vēl man patīk, ka pastāv "Institute for Human-Animal Connection".
Paldies, Akadēmija.
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