gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-12-28 01:25:00

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There are many reasons. For one, a tiny human population would be easier to plan for. One aspect of masonic movements is that men is supposed to rise above his own nature and with the power of his intellect, write his own destiny. However, with large population numbers, it becomes impossible to predict necessities, trends and behaviour. This is the reason why communism doesn't work; even if you could theoretically have a dream team of incorruptible, loyal people controlling the government.

Another reason has to do with the love moderns have for "mother earth". Without good philosophy to guide our sense of morals, the modern world have very much become lost trying to figure what is good. Some people nowadays unironically believe animal lives are worth as much as a human's. Others are far less radical, but not any less lost. They believe it is their duty to establish an "harmonious" relationship with nature; and this can't be done if we have a huge population, full of demands and which keeps growing every year.

Yet another reason is outright satanism. Just like God made man to His own image and likeness, gave him dominion over the earth and told him to grow and multiply; so does satanism attempt to do the opposite. It hates man and wants to see mankind extinguished. Clearly, this is not a very easy sell to human beings, but it can be disguised. If instead of wholesale slaughter like in a war, you sell the idea as a way to prevent people from having children, it becomes that much more attractive; especially if you don't acknowledge that sex has a purpose in itself or if you create a sexual revolution where the role of sex in society becomes that much more complicated. You can even get away with a huge amount of murders, as long as you prevent people from recognising those murdered as humans.


Because of their ideology. They want to be as gods. They are drunk from the prospect of achieving some kind of transcendence via technology. This way they will rule over a small group of highly intelligent but completely subservient developers and scientists. The rest of humanity will be killed off or kept around as a slave caste if needed.

Ultimately it is about power. Our current system has brought people to the top who share certain traits. These are godlessness and complete lack of morals for the sake of "succeeding" in some way. They don't understand that every human must succeed by saving his soul and helping others do the same. They think science will give them immortality, limitless imagination and computing power, fulfillment of their most depraved desires, rendering God obsolete. Of course, they are wrong, but this is their motivation.

What will always be in the way of these criminals are people who have morals. Also local governments and regional difference are a big thorn in their side. Anytime there is a people who could unite and shed the influence of the globalists, their plans could be threatened. It is only possible to rule reliably over a homogeneous blob whose behavior can be 100 percent predicted. This they want to achieve with surveillance or DNA analysis but ultimately by simply destroying people with European genes because the others are too dumb to do anything against it.

What has been the motivation of rulers since the dawn of time? Power. Sometimes money, but only as a means to get more power in the end. What has changed in the meantime? Why would rulers want to kill off their own people? The answer is globalism. Unlike in former times, rulers have absolutely no investment in the well-being of that which they rule over. Rulers are not the king anymore, whose legitimization and base of power is clear. Authority does not come from God anymore and also not from the people, but from the financial system, which is global.

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