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@ 2020-12-12 17:40:00

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feminisms 2020

Mr Brady said the prosecution had concluded there was "no longer any realistic prospect of conviction" for murder.
"This is not a decision that has been taken lightly by the Crown," he said.
"It's a decision taken with care and mindful of the sensitivity of this case."
Skana will now face sentencing for manslaughter - but this is not thought to be scheduled for today.

Nav pirmais un noteikti ne pēdējais gadījums:
A mother who was jailed for killing her six children in a fire has been released from prison.
Mairead Philpott, 39, was jailed for 17 years in 2013 for the manslaughter of her children at her home in Derby a year before.
Jade Philpott, 10, John, nine, Jack, seven, Jesse, six, and Jayden, five, died on the morning of the blaze. Duwayne, 13, died three days later.

Papildus feminisma brīnišķumam, sabiedrībā, kur normalizēti on-demand aborti, šis ir tikai loģiskais turpinājums. Ne velti teju visās kultūrās ārpus tradicionālajām reliģijām, tika dažādos mērogos praktizēta cilvēku upurēšana un infanticīds bija utilitāra ikdienas lieta.

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