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"2025, Sweden is rocked by a slew of controversies. The ruling coalition of Sweden Democrats and the Arab Party have agreed on banning LGBT, sending trans people into mental asylums, and putting a total embargo upon Israel, but the proposed law by Araboswedish politician Abdul Mahmoud threatens to break the already fragile government. "Adopting Arabic as the second official language of Sweden is just acceptance of the de facto situation in the nation – a fifth of sweden speaks arabic, and only arabic, and it is inhumane to bar them from all administrative matters through a language barrier," says the MP. "I find this absolutely unacceptable – Sweden should speak Swedish, it's as simple as that. The immigrants promised they would try to assimilate to our culture, of which learning the language is the very first step," says the SD representative Sven Svensson. Political analysits already predict a fall of the government, though some go as far as to suggest the possibility of a civil war. The king urges both parties to calm down "I'm sure there's a peaceful compromise that can be found, nobody wants a repeat of 2022," reffering to the mass beheading of all Green Party members by a slew of unconnected lone wolf attacks, after it refused to back down from its stance on woman rights in arab communities. That is all for tonight, SVT1 News wish you a goodnight and طابت ليلتكم "
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