don't worry, be happy :D
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formēt no viņiem vienības kārtības uzturēšanai (lmao).Ir jau pieredzīte.

Kas svaigāks.
Fourth Telford man guilty of sexually assaulting girlTelford men:
Shafiq Younas, 35 of Regent Street, Wellington, was found guilty of indecent assault on Wednesday.
Nazam Akhtar, 35, of Victoria Avenue, Wellington was cleared of rape.
Amjad Hussain, 38, of Acacia Drive, Leegomery, Telford, who was unanimously convicted of a single count of indecent assault on Tuesday, was cleared by jurors on Wednesday of a similar offence.
Mohammed Ali Sultan, 33, formerly of Telford, was convicted of rape and three counts of indecent assault.
Jurors heard how he already had previous convictions, in 2012 and 2015, for "similar offences against young girls".
Mohammad Rizwan, 37, of Mafeking Road, Telford, was found guilty of two counts of indecent assault.Kāpēc recidīvistiem ļauj turpināties uzturēties valstī? Kādiem spēkiem tas vajadzīgs?
Šis ir svarīgs punkts. Morloki dara to, ko viņi ir raduši darīt, izrāda savu dabu un izmanto valsts vājumu savā labā. Gandrīz vai grūti viņiem ko pārmest. Cita kultūra tomēr. Galvenais ienaidnieks ir politiķi un aktīvisti, kas to organizē. Karātavas noilgojušās pēc darbiņa.
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