gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-12-16 23:13:00

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politiķu/mediju meli un kā tie iespaido nabadzīgāko sabiedrības daļu
For example during the last four years of enrichment since 2015 the number of stabbings in the state of Brandenburg increased by 32%. Gotta love being weltoffen.
Our quality journalists quote a psychiatrist to explain this "strange" phenomon: 
Yes, that's how they are explaining it. Not one word about immigration, they are pretending that in 2015 the native Germans suddenly started to become more and more stabby due to cultural changes. And that importing over a million of young men from the most violent and backwards cultures on earth, who are now loitering about unemployed on our streets, has nothing to do with it. No,.sir. 
I would like to see a statistic about the ethno-cultural background of the stabby crowd. Not that it would change anything. In the US the government has no problem releasing official statistics on black crime, which is as over-the-top as Muslim crime in Germany. Black men are responsible for more than half of all violent crimes in the country despite the fact that they are only like 5% of the population. Yet they are still treated as "victims" and nobody does shit, the only "solution" whitefag Americans - "liberal" or "conservative" - came up with is to start packing as soon as blacks start moving into the neighborhood. Seems exactly the same thing is happening here in Germany. No solution except "you better have the money so that you can afford not to live near those people, to send your children to schools where these people don't go etc.".
German source:

Likumpaklausīgi iedzīvotāji, kas nevar atļauties pārvākties uz posh rajoniņiem, kur mīt šampaņas sociālisti, paliek pēdējo izraisītās miskastes gūstā un, ja viņi par to uzdrošinās izteikt neapmierinātību vai nedod dies, sāk balsot par nepareizajiem kandidātiem, tad saņem savā adresē šo pašu kaviāregalitāristu patronizējošas lekcijas par situācijas niansētību un naida nepieļaujamību. 

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