Coffee and cookies? Not this time: Malmö's Policeforce's Dialogue group invited Malmö's criminals to discuss and eat pizzaPublished November 12, 2019 at 5:54 pm
DOMESTIC. Nine influential crime bosses in Malmö actually came to Malmö Policeforce's information meeting on Tuesday, where the criminals were "warned" to committing crimes. Afterwards, the criminals ate pizza together with police chiefs and prosecutors, according to Kvällsposten.
It was yesterday that the police announced that they intended to invite influential criminals in Malmö for a meeting. This is to persuade them to stop shooting and bombing.
The meeting would take place today Tuesday. And it did.
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Anna Palmkvist participated in the meeting with criminals.
According to the source of the Evening Post, the meeting started just before 5 pm. Among other things, the police should have warned the criminals of doing crime but also offered them a way out of the crime.
The idea is that the gang criminals will then spread the message to other criminals.
- "Afterwards, we are offered pizza that is eaten together with police chiefs and prosecutors," writes Kvällsposten.
Tuesday's meeting was part of the police's "Stop Shooting" project in Malmö.