dumbing down neapturamā progresa vārdā
Svedinstāna nebeidz pārsteigt.\o/
Internal documents: Swedish technical university cancels positions if male applicant found most competentAs a male candidate you are welcome to apply for a position as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. However, internal documents tell another story: the faculty only provides the necessary funding for the position if a woman is to receive it. If a male applicant is about to get the position, the appointment is canceled. Then the department can make a new attempt to get a woman by advertising a new position, and so on. One of the faculty’s researchers has reported the obviously discriminatory scheme to the Equality Ombudsman, who is now investigating the case.Full article here: http://academicrightswatch.com/?p=2915
Potenciālajiem vīriešinženieriem u.c. profesionāļiem drīz būs jāmeklē darbu ārvalstīs, jo feminisma lielvalstī valda RADIKĀLA vienlīdzība. :)