DOMESTIC. Uzbeken David Idrisson was sentenced in the district court for planning a terrorist act in Sweden in the name of the Islamic State. But now the government is stopping Swedish Secret Police's (SÄPO) ordered expulsion of the 46-year-old and releasing him on the loose - citing that he is "threatened" in his home country of Uzbekistan, reports Expressen.David Idrisson got arrested by Swedish Secret Police after obtaining hundreds of pounds of bomb material. According to the district court's ruling, the explosive would be used to commit a terrorist attack in Sweden.In the court of law, however, the uzbeken was released from preparation for terrorist offenses on the grounds that there was not enough evidence that he was really planning an attack. Idrisson was convicted instead of terrorist financing.After being released from the detention, David Idrisson was one of the Islamists arrested by Säpo under LSU, the Act on Special Aliens Control, as he was considered a threat to Sweden's national security. According to SÄPO, there was a high risk that he will "commit or participate in terrorist offenses" and that is why they want him kicked out.But despite the fact that both SÄPO and the Migration Agency gave green light to expel David Idrisson, the government is now stepping in and stopping the execution of the deportation - citing that he is "threatened in Uzbekistan", writes Expressen.It also means that the 46-year-old is released from custody.As recently as Thursday, the news came that the other six Islamists who had been in SÄPO's detention since last spring were released on release and avoided expulsion - because they risk "persecution" in their home countries.
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komentārietis saka: "must be pretty frustrating nowadays to work in the Secret Police when the people you are supposed to protect keeps helping the people you are protecting them against"
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