sojciālisms praksē
Atceros kā tovarisc Gedymin centās iestāstīt par migrācijas ekonomiskajiem labumiem un kā tā ir neizbēgama, lai Rietumu valstis spētu turēties virs ūdens.:)
Sandviken Municipality should have made half a billion on immigration - In reality, Sandviken has a record deficitNow, in reality and five years later, Sandviken goes with a record deficit of minus SEK 67 million. The fourth biggest minus the budget in the country.
In addition, Sandviken has a total of SEK 33.12 in municipal tax, which is closer to one krone more than the country's average. The situation is so strained that tax increases cannot be ruled out in the future.Priviliģētajam baltajam cilvēkam vēl būs jāpiemaksā, lai varētu turpināt izbaudīt kulturālo bagātināšanos savā piemājas rajončegā.
More and more Swedish municipalities start to follow Sölvesborg, Twenty municipalities now questions the state's Forced Asylum lawDOMESTIC. Bengtsfors Municipality now follows Sölvesborg and says that it is not intended to receive more asylum seekers, says TV4 News. 20 municipalities are now dissatisfied with the state's forced asylum law.
Immigration should give the country a "super economy". In practice, it was the opposite, and now more and more Swedish municipalities refuse to accept more asylum seekers from the state.
Last week, Sölvesborg said no, and now Bengtsfors is following suit.
- "We have received so many in our small municipality for so many years that we think it is highly reasonable for refugees who come to Sweden to land elsewhere then here", says Bengtsfors City Council Chairman Stig Bertilsson (M) to TV4 News .
According to Bertilsson, it is not reasonable for the state to pass on its costs to the municipalities. He even calls it an intervention in municipal autonomy.
In three years, Bengtsfors has received 700 new arrivals. However, no economic boom has started after this, on the other hand all they got was a strained welfare and huge budget deficit.
Sölvesborg plans to contest the Settlement Act, which forces the country's municipalities to accept the government's immigrants. According to TV4, there are now at least 20 municipalities who are questioning the Housing Act.Ir forši tikumsignalizēt un būt devīgam uz citu rēķina, īpaši ja ir zero politiskās un sociālās atbildības vai personīgā riska saskarties ar kulturālo bagātināšanos. Visādi tur ingmari, diegabikši, slikti u.c. šmara ar savu politisko bezatbildību un narcisko emo-egodročīšanu (ak kādi mēs līdzjūtīgi un toleranti) piš kopā valstis ekonomiski, pakļauj līdzcilvēkus fiziskiem draudiem, padara veselus rajonus normāliem cilvēkiem neapdzīvojamus, kamēr paši ērti tup savos sorosofisiņos un medī "nacistus" twiterī. Laiks saukt vainīgos pie atbildības.
bonus kek
Sölvesborg's Sweden Democrat City Council plans to ship new immigrants off to Social Democrat-led municipalities: "You where the ones that did say this was profitable"Sölvesborg Municipal Council Louise Erixon (SD) therefore has a solution. Left-wing municipalities will now be given a chance to also receive immigrants from Sölvesborg. After all, it is the Left who said that immigration would be a profit.
-"For many years there have been statements from social liberal opinion makers and the media that claim that the reception of migrants is a good deal for the municipalities. Now the Sölvesborg Samstyret goes out and meets the wishes of the not rarely socially democratically controlled municipalities," SD writes on Twitter.
- "We are now offering red municipalities to receive Sölvesborg's newly arrived, as several of them have emphasized that it means a large financial gain to get these people", says Erixon.
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