soy overload
"Study: Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real"
Haha no shit. Ja komuņagām būtu kaut nedaudz self-awareness, varbūt viņiem nevajadzētu 'pētījumus', lai saprastu kāpēc tā.

"Babylon bee, that's the site that is being targeted by snopes. The SJWs who run Snopes have a hard-on for the Bee site for whatever reason, and are working hard to get Facebook to classify the Babylon Bee as a "fake news" website so it gets blacklisted.
Bee is a satire/parody site. Snopes/SJWs want to get it branded as a site that spreads willful political misinformation because they don't like being made fun of and want sites like that gone."
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