gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-08-03 14:36:00

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Sīriešu bēglis ar zobenu sacirta gabalos vācieti gaišā dienas laikā savas 11 gadīgās meitas acu priekšā. DIVERSITĀTĒ IR SPĒKS BĻEĢ!

sovoka mēdiji
"The sword murder in Stuttgart was witnessed by a summer camp bus full of children.

It was also filmed by several residents of the adjacent buildings. Today I witnessed one guy in the grocery shop showing it to another guy on his phone.
The German media made it a priority to report that sharing videos or pictures of the murder is punishable. They also said that the media is allowed to show such material, but it won't out of respect for the victim. This is the same media that displayed the drowned refugee boy on title pages."

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