gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-03-22 00:05:00

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Koments pie kāda no kārtējiem ''Trumb is teh eebul'' rakstiem, kas p. much sums it up.

'Yet another article trying to ascribe Trump's success to some supernatural power of manipulation where as the simple fact is that he is popular because he is saying things people like and it actually feels like he means it (and the fact the establishment hates him shows that they too think he means it).

Leftists just don't want to admit that their world view is toxic to many people and that the majority will rally to the first person making actual sense instead of spouting insane Marxist or post-modernistic bullshit. Trump is popular because he is the first person in a long time to say that 2+2=4 and unlike most he actually gets away with it.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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