origins of fake news
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jauno 'žurnālistikas' paradigmu iekš US. Nezināju par tik konkrēti definētu un manufaktūrētu šiftu. Nav šaubu, ka arī Eiropas (un varbūt par vēl lielākā mērā) (ieskaitot dievzemīti) mediji ir pārņēmuši šo pašu metodoloģiju.
Fournier’s Frankenstein monster has now created an entire generation of reporters and editors who see absolutely nothing wrong with being politically partisan and biased in their “shaping narratives,” calling it “news coverage” as they relentlessly attack one political party while endlessly slobbering adoringly over the other.
What many in the mainstream news media loved the most about accountability journalism is that it allowed them to openly be what they always were: political activists disguised as reporters, chafing under the repressive strictures of the old model of neutrality and objectivity.
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