Eos ([info]eos) rakstīja,
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Taču, ja skatās uz sofisma pilno retoriku "America means American Dream. I made it and now I'm rich. And you want to tax me for doing what America is for?", tad nodoklis visiem, kam, piemēram, kontā ir vairāk par tik un tik miljoniem, var tikt nesaprasts.

Un -

The French government will consider reintroducing taxes on the most wealthy in what is seen as a further measure to appease the gilets jaunesprotesters threatening to destabilise Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.

Lifting part of the impôt de solidarité sur la fortune (ISF, solidarity tax on wealth) was a pillar of Macron’s election campaign and one of the first fiscal measures he implemented on taking power in May 2017, leading to his nickname “president of the rich”.


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