p. much sums it up par Peķku
The difference is that Zizek sees in Peterson a pathological obsession with women's wrongdoings.
The difference is that Zizek has an ideological construct he has to try to maintain where as Peterson does not. Peterson has no obsessions of any kind, least of all pathological ones. But Zizek has to believe he does because he cannot afford to accept any point of view opposed to his own could be "reasonable", for that would force Zizek to examine his own Marxists beliefs, which he cannot do. That's all is happening here. Peterson is not an extremist. All his opinions are relatively mild and if you listen to him you actually see that he has a tendency to play devil's advocate and meeting both sides of an argument in the middle. All attempts at painting Peterson as an extreme ideologue fall flat on their faces because he is anything but. In fact he is the very antithesis of an extreme ideologue and you can hate him from the left and the right precisely because his arguments are all aimed at looking for a middle ground and that doesn't square well with the need some people have for ideological confirmation. People like Zizek for instance, or rather, people in the same camp as Zizek, because this is mostly about appeasing his fellow Marxists rather than himself, for i don't think Zizek is dumb enough to believe this bullshit. But he knows his Marxist credentials would be revoked instantly if he were to treat Peterson fairly and charitably.
Gedymin te nesen iepostēja komunistu avīzes The Guardian rakstu par "bīstamu righ wing profesoru". Es nezinu cik galvā sistam jābūt, lai kaut ko tādu uztvertu nopietnu. Manuprāt pat paši ļevoku augsta ranga ideologi nav tik stulbi, lai ticētu bullšitam, kuru tirgo, analoģiski kā PSRS laiku poļitbiroja pimpji irlā piedrāza visus tos idejiski spalgos un smukos lozungus. Bet lūk, cilvēki, kas lasa The Guardian laikam tic gan. Un auditorija šai pamfletu kolekcijai visdrīzāk ir samērā jauni cilvēki ar augstāko izglītību, kas tikai lieku reizi demonstrē, ka if anything, tieši akadēmiski audzināti cilvēki ar puslīdz augstu IQ visvairāk pavelkas uz dažādām idejām "kosmičeskovo maštaba i takoi že gluposķi". Mūsdienu Šarikovs ir hipsteris ar šķidru bārdiņu, bērnisķīgiem vaibstiem un tādām pašām domām. Regulāri refrešo The Guardian lapu savā aifounā. Vidējais proletārietis varbūt nav pārāk gudrs, bet būs mazāk breinvašots ar pilnīgi debīliem uzskatiem un satur sevī vairāk veselā saprāta, jo viņam jāstrādā un jādīlo ar realitāti vulgaris, tāpēc nav laika interesēties par pseidointelektuāliem ekskrementiem publiskajā infotelpā.
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