wtfStory behind the video:
A girl from a small Swedish town speaks out against her rapist. The entire town launches a hate campaign against her, forcing her to move out to a different town. The case goes through the court and the accused is found guilty of rape. He later then is invited to the local church to celebrate his graduation, which is what led to this interview with the priest.
After some digging, looking at what little footage there is, it looks to me like the rapist was dark-skinned, which explains why the Swedish community was so eager to defend him.
There's an article in the description that explains it clearly.
The girl's story never changed and the guy eventually admitted it and gave the same story as the girl but then recanted. The town supports him and bullies the girl, accuses her of making it up like you said. He was convicted and let out to celebrate his graduation where he rapes a second girl. The article mentions the town doubled down on supporting the guy and turned against the second victim as well. How the Hell is that possible? How fucking brainwashed do you have to be to do something like that?
And look at that preacher, he had already heard what happened but acted like he didn't. There's no reaction on his face when the second rape is mentioned. He doesn't give a shit and when he starts to think about it he just lets out a poor boy to show sympathy, before realizing there was also a girl raped that he should feel sorry for.Te jau gandrīz gribētos, ka tas ir feiks, jo nu wtf. Tā ir kaut kāda Insmuta ar zivjcilvēkiem. Nekādas līdzjūtības šādai valstij. Islamizācija ir labākais, kas ar tādiem šobrīd varētu notikt.
edit: Radās vēl viena asociācija. Ar to pagrimušo pilsētu Niptonu iekš Fallout:New Vegas. Sākumā rodas taisnīgās dusmas pret leģionāru nežēlību, ar kādu tie to miestu izravējuši no kartes, bet tad uzzini kā viņi tur dzīvojuši līdz tam un ir like good fucking riddance.
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