Trying to sell any of the negative events we see recently as the responsibility of outside forces is missing the most important lesson: sort yourself out, get your own shit in order. If our society was not full of welfare, decadence and degeneracy we would have stable, harmonious families (which was the case up until the 1960s), with the resulting growth rate there would not be any arguments for immigration and nothing of the violence and culture clashes would exist. Muslims get the blame often, but they are just beggars grasping for every coin they can get. They do not have any true agency of their own and calling them evil is just like calling the HIV viruses evil if you have unprotected anal sex. We invited the Muslims here, none of them would be here if not for our actions, at whose root is sin enabled by decadence.
Not all people can handle wealth without regressing to hedonist degenerates, and the state of wealth and decadence is an evolutionary selection process just like hardship is. If you have enough of a sense of purpose to form a stable family and build a constructive future even if you can just lie back and do nothing all day, surviving off welfare, then you (where "you" is both you as genetic content and as the set of principles you live after) might have a future.
There is a yin and yang manifesting itself in societies through r-selection and K-selection, in whose extremes we find only death: on one side the male wolf tyrant enforcing a set, rigid authoritarian order eagerly taking any life to feed himself and secondly his offspring, on the other and the female sheep mother who would sacrifice her own life to feed the cuckoo child whose mouth gapes the widest. We can transcend this cyclical conflict only through understanding it, by reducing it to evolution of the mind instead of oscillation between short-term solutions favouring different biological dispositions, forgetting history's lessons between every generation. Since human lifespans are finite, an accurate and relevant account of history one of the most important and urgent objectives of humanity as a whole. As long as that exists, and to the degree that it is readily available, it will allow the fittest minds to be one step ahead of developments. For an example of this in practice, look at how "redpilled" leftist and radical feminist Camille Paglia has gotten simply through study of the fall of the Roman Empire.
We invited the devil into our house when we failed to preside over the vast prosperity that came after the era of modernization and our neutrality in WW1 and WW2. We have been a poor, hard-working nation for very long due to the harsh climate, disadvantages which were largely nullified with industrialism and global trade. Swedes become their best selves in the cold on a ration of bark bread, planning agriculture carefully to match the seasons and carefully preserving food like fish for when flash freezes kill your harvest. This is an environment where cooperation, perseverance and long-term planning are essential for survival. In modern Sweden, these premises have been turned upside down by the welfare state, a concept created by past generations of survival-focused cooperation-minded Swedes. Now you need nothing of the above, instead a moral compass, innate capacity for understanding, and the proclivity to put virtue before indulgence. Little did the builders of the welfare state know that their paradise would become a cleansing purgatory, illustrating the classic fallacy of aspiring towards static solutions when the most fundamental constant of life is struggle: Panta Rei.