gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-05-08 17:20:00

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Well Macron did win massively and he's pro Islam and Muslims are very right wing so perhaps they are more right wing than we think?

Muslims are very pro-Muslim, full stop.

Left-wingers have been hypnotized into supporting the proliferation of Islam because Muslims are a convenient fuel for the fire of the narrative they've been taught. For today's smug, self-obsessed liberal, the presence of poor brown people to rescue from white imperialist Christian conservatives is crucial. Liberals are the good guys, and they need to feel like the good guys and congratulate each other for being the good guys. Otherwise, what's the point?

The United States did mean things to Muslims, they number in the billions, and they're migrating everywhere (well, everywhere in the developed world). All potential dangers and problems thereof are actively ignored in favor of having human fodder for their Star Trek-inspired globalist utopian delusions. You'd think that Western feminists would have a field day with Islam, for example, but instead they focus on complete and utter nonsense at home.

Islam is the youngest Abrahamic religion, and it wants to spread. It continues to amaze me that liberals don't believe religions spread in the modern era and that nations can't be transformed through a combination of conversion and elimination. They seem to believe that Islam can be tamed and that any amount of Muslims will continue to live in peace and harmony with other religions forever and ever, the end.

As long as they're brown and pitiable, all is forgiven, for the time being. The details will be worked out later. Thing is, that utopian "later" won't go the way they think it will. That's the consequence of "thinking" entirely with your emotions.

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