Berlin Senate To Investigate Why Migrant Crime Stats So HighThe Berlin Senate has launched a formal inquiry as to why migrants are disproportionally mentioned in the city’s police crime reports in comparison to Germans.Berlin police say that migrants are more and more frequently recorded in their crime statistics to the point where they are over-represented, compared to their proportion of the overall population. The report, which was requested by libertarian Free Democratic Party (FDP) politician Marcel Luthe, contains unpublished figures from 2016 Märkische Allgemeine reports.Police registered 9614 migrant suspects in 2016 according to the report, including asylum seekers, recognized refugees and failed asylum seekers whose status is “tolerated.” The estimated total migrant population in Berlin is around 70,000 people making 13 percent of the population criminal suspects.The figures for German nationals is much lower at around 3 percent of the population. Even when looking at the age group most likely to be involved in crime, men aged 21 and younger, the German figure rises only to 6 percent.
Ciets rieksts. Cerams viņiem tur ir bataljons ar elitāriem pētniekiem, kas to atkodīs. Mana versija - sistēmisks rasisms no policijas puses.
(droši, ka iekš tiem 3 pročiem ''german nationals'' tiek ieskaitīti arī visi pilsonību ieguvušie turki, marokāņi, alžīri u.c. asorti, kas savukārt ir pārliecinošā vadībā šajā grupā)
The statistics bear a striking resemblance to those released in Munich earlier this week. The police records showed that almost half, or 48 percent, of criminal suspects in the Bavarian capital, are non-Germans. Asylum seekers are said to make up around 10 percent of the total criminal suspects.The German Federal Police have stated that the migrant crisis and the wave of new migrants have directly led to an increase in crime within their jurisdiction. they claim a 31.6 percent increase over the past yearand say the total criminal complaints are well over 400,000.
Izskatās Vācijai akūti trūkst 'evidencēs balstīta politika'.
But hey, diversity is strength. :B