François Pignon ([info]pinjons) rakstīja,
Augšpalātas darbības ierobežojumi konkrēto reformu izpildījumā ir virzība uz vienpalātas parlamentu, kas pats par sevi nekas nedemokrātisks un nekādas papildus pilnvaras valdībai nedod.

Citāts par reģionu un valdības pilnvarām imho nav īsti precīzs.

"The reform draws a different partition of matters reserved to the State and to the Regions. The so-called "concurrent competence", according to which State law legislates the principles that are later to be implemented by Regional laws, is abolished. All concurrent matters are reassigned to either the State's or the Regions' competence.

The Government can propose legislation to the Parliament on matters that are not reserved to the State, when this is required to protect the juridical or economic unity of Italy, or to protect national interests. Such laws are adopted according to the unicameral legislative procedure: however, when modifications are proposed by an absolute majority of the members of the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies can override the proposals only by voting against them with an absolute majority of its members."

Tiešām neredzu, kas tur būtu tik nedemokrātisks. Manuprāt nekas ekstraordināts priekš unitārām valstīm (kāda skaitās arī Itālija).

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