gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
Es saprotu un lots of fair points.

Pirmkārt, es absolūti NEKAD neesmu izdarījis assertion, ka esmu nekļūdīgs vai pat labs cilvēks. Lai gan neizmantoju cibu priekš personīgās dienasgrāmatu, nereti esmu atzinies grēkos un principā saku, ka esmu deģenerāts un misfits. Esmu daudz cietis un cīnījies pret saviem iekšējiem demōnie, lai no kurienes viņi būtu nākuši un to pamatā darījis viens, bez palīdzības no ģimenes vai draugiem. Zinu, ka neesmu ticis tālu, bet vismaz izrāvies no pilnīgas dirsas.

Mana interese par current_thing un žīdiem tajā skaitā izriet no tā, ka vienmēr esmu bijis vienpatis-novērotājs. Man nepatīk bari, nepatīk piedalīties kopējos rituālos, pat ja tie būtu soothing to my soul/psyche or whatever. Esmu mazliet mazohists šajā ziņā. Ulvis arī dažkārt teicis, ka esmu uz slikta cognitive path un es tam piekrītu. Bet tas ir mans liktenis. Tāds esmu no bērnības. Atceros pirmā konfrontācija ar "autoritāti" bija, kad man bija kādi 7-9 gadi, kad mūsu klases audzinātāja, histēriska kuce, atveda uz skolu savu štuceri, kaut kādu nezinu kuras konfesijas kristiešu mācītāju ar visu talāru un balto apkaklīti. Viņš gribēja mums uzspiest Bībeles tekstus tā kā viņš to redz un burtiski "spiest ticēt". Uncanny valley shit, bet visa klase tam pakļāvās, bet mani, pat neatceros ko es viņam tur uzdirsu pretim, ielika klases priekšā pie "kauna staba", par to, ka atļāvos viņam iebilst. Lielākā daļa kalses gleefully watched, smirked and laughed at me for being such dork, to oppose the great adult man telling what's what, despite understanding none of the bs he spewed. Was probably first time i really started to really hate humans for their herd behavior as i felt i did nothing evil, just questioned this stuck up arrogant asshole, which he really was and was revealed later. Had good hunch on him i think.

Tā kā redzi, man nav bias, man vienkārši nepatīk cilvēki, kas grib kontrolēt ko es domāju, runāju un redzu. Es neesmu praktizējošs kristietis, bet sympathetic to their cause and doctrine in general un uzskatu, ka kristīgā civilizācija bija maza oāze Kali Jūgas bezpreģela mad-maxian tuksnesī. Bet noteikti ne pateicoties tam kretīnam, kurš tēloja mācītāju, lai drāztu manu tupo klases audzinātāju un dabūtu haltūru manā purčika sūda vidusskolā.
Being aware of liars and creeps is hell of a drug.

Otra lieta.
Tu izdari to pašu paviršo secinājumu, ko lielākā daļa woke/concerned citizen NPC here in Ciba.

stating that all the ills of world are down to the influence of one group

Never said that at all. Bet visi saka, ka es to daru. Un visi, kas to saka melo. Tu melo līdzi, jo tevī ir ieprintēta apziņa, ka norādīt uz JQ = blaming jews for EVERYTHING.
No, you see, i blame jews only for exactly what they are doing. Can you fathom that? Or blaming jews as a collective is by default blaming every single one? For some reason no one seem to question the propaganda where everything is blamed on russians/chinese/iran etc. That's just fine. But, when it comes to jews it's suddenly "ho ho wai a minute, you should judge only individuals".

Well, if 8 out of 10 individual within certain group do the exact same thing over and over again, can we start talking about collective?
When you see newspaper talking about yet another money steal, power grab, subversive activism, literally satanic symbolism embedded into pop culture, being entirely responsible for certain degenerative industries like pornography or trasngender psychosis etc. and you see the same smal diapor of 1-2% at the helm of it, would that not rise your eyebrow. Yeah, we're all sinners and one of the biggest sins was stopping these creatures to keep in tight leash, so that we can focus on our own shortcomings. Allowing ourselves being under the rule of literal luciferian mafia will completely obliterate any of the good fights we may have so get the vermin out of the attic first.

Not absolving ourselves of anything, but you yourself see that Christianity and its moral framework and the very fabric of reality is being obliterated. Who was the most powerful source of obliteration? Well, yes.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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