brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
Yeah, I got it all: no problem.

I'm quite happy to acknowledge you have spent more time thinking about this than I have. I just wonder how accurate and helpful some of your assertions are.

I have got no problem with viewing politics and power as being - in large part - demographic in nature. The first book on politics that 'blew my mind' was Norman Mailer's (also jewish) 'Miami and the Siege of Chicago'. He stirred the pot of the politics of 1968 USA and had us tatse the infusions of WASP brahmins, Irish Catholics and Jewish banking families. You could do it back then: look at politics as a tribal power struggle, that is. And sure, in the US at least, all you have to do is take a look the Federal Reserve incumbents, Biden's cabinet and so on.

What I have a problem with is stating that all the ills of world are down to the influence of one group. There is a childish desire to blame someone else for your own shortcomings.

For example, take the Ukraine. You could highlight the work of the neocons (Nuland, Kagan), and jewish Ukranians (Zelinski, Kolomoisky), and blame them for the whole affair. Which would, in this case, absolve Russian chauvinism and aggression (or for that matter some elements of Azov who were for balkanising Russia).

On a broader (and also more personal note), assigning such negative attributes to a whole people, is likely to lead to you absolving yourself from sufficient rigour in self-criticism (both personal and that of your own ethnic or cultural group). It is also likely to lead to a fear jews in general have of being blamed for the world's ills, which in turn is likely to be a motivating factor for them seeking to be close to the levers of power in powerful countries - and thus starting or continuing the whole miserable cycle.

Assigning another group some demonic power-lust is also likely to lead to a fatalistic or apocalyptic world-view - as in we are fucked: stan has risen, bring on the Kali Yuga and let it burn - which is in my limited knowledge of black magic, what is known as a self-hex.

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