A more accurate analysis is that Neomarxismpostmodernismprogressivismsatanismblrrrblahblah is the result of a confluence of interests between Big Capitalism and Big Ideology, thus: both have an interest in the destruction of the primary ties, family, tradition, nations, patriotism, democracy (in the sense of the will of the majority ruling), etc., of Europeans and European-derived peoples (i.e. Whites). There is perfect congruence between the various "never again" types of globalizing ideologies that arose in the post-war period, in terms of the "social research" programs promoted by the likes of the Rockefeller foundation (e.g. Kinsey), the various NGOs that flowed from numerous UN initiatives like UNESCO, on the one hand, and the Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School, on the other (which has clearly become the dominant form of the Left today, despite a few tankies and other types of holdouts).
The entire edifice of globalism/neoliberalism is of a piece, because capitalists and ideologues have a common enemy: the (supposedly) incipiently authoritarian/Fascist native White temperaments, cultures, etc.
As Keith Woods recently posted, the real ideological "center" of everything negative and deleterious that's going on today is the Popperian "open society" concept, as championed and financed by Soros, which is friendly on the one hand to capitalist exploitation and on the other hand to the deconstructive and destructive elements of modern Left thought. Both result in extreme atomization and alienation, financial precariousness, and a kind of free-floating anxiety and paranoia.