gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-05-27 19:35:00

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muh ism

Ironically the most self-obsessed tribe is also the tribe least inclined to self-reflection… as if “antisemitism” arose in a vacuum and has nothing to do with Judaism’s Master Race creed or Jewish behavior.


That defect alone is enough to discredit the self-vaunted “genius” claimed by the tribe. There are consequences to Jewish behaviors: Jewish supremacisminstigating gentile-against-gentile warsfomenting revolutionssuborning heresiesundermining Christian societyfalse flagsbig liesinflicting multiculturalism, and perpetrating viceritual murdergenocideslavery and economic crimes against humanity, including usury, fractional reserve banking, swindling, and tax farming. The perpetual pose of Jews as innocent victims is a fraud. Are there innocents among the Jews?  Initially, many! But those innocents, in shielding the guilty, have made themselves accomplices of the guilty, over the millennia earning the expulsion of Jews from over a thousand nations, principalities, and city-states.


Yet despite millennia of such Jewish misanthropy, malevolence, and genocide, Israeli President Herzog claims the existence of antisemitism in the world today is “inexplicable.” Clueless or self-serving denial?

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2023-05-27 21:51 (saite)
Žīdi ir no citas, semītu rases. Lai gan viņiem to ir nepatīkami atzīt, viņi ir Mozusticīgi arābi. Un, protams, baltajiem nav aptverama viņu uzvedība, tāpat kā nav saprotams, kāpēc nēģeri vai ķīnieši uzvedas citādāk.

Par antisemītismu jāsaka - labu kaimiņattiecību pamatā ir stipri žogi.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2023-05-28 00:42 (saite)
Es uzskatu, ka mūsdienu žīdiem ir ļoti maz sakara ar mozaistiskajiem žīdiem no senās pagātnes. iespējams, ka tas pat ir cits etnoss. Vismaz ciktāl tas attiecas uz t;a saucamajiem aškenazi aļa Soross, Rokfells, Rotšilds. Viņu svētā grāmata ir Talmuds, nevis Tora (kura gan arī ir žīdu supremacisma caurvīta, bet ņe na stoka).

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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