So, in the department at work in Office, there are around 80+ people working total. Only 5 of us resisted the VAXXX. Sure it was a difficult couple of years, couldn't go to movies, gym, lot of sports events, parties, travel out of state, tourist locations etc. But fortunately, our workplace never dared to impose vax or get fired mandate formally on paper. This might be because when they approached and tried to verbally bully the five of us into taking the VAXXX; I showed them a strongly worded draft in legalese and demanded an affidavit which places the liability ( INR 50 million or 5 crore) of vax injuries on the Chief Medical Officer. And told without signed order with company stamp, affidavit and formal assurance of vax injuriy liability I will not budge. Most people thought me crazy, keeping these documents ready for WEEKS to ambush the medical personnel who were pressurizing for vaxx.
Well it had its share of problems. I was targeted and harassed by the management, with promotions/pay-raises delayed for a couple of years, humiliations - called to meeting but no chair provided; offsite duty but forced to travel with laborers in a truck instead of luxury sedans my vaxxed colleagues traveled in etc for my hyper aggressive stand. But the five of us still have our job.
But now? The five of us have schadenfreude on the fate of the sheeple.
Hilarious how the vaxxed people in my department are getting cancers (3 cases), heart attacks (7 cases - 2 dead), strokes(5 cases- 1 paralyzed, undergoing physiotherapy for several months to barely walk ), kidney issues (3 cases - 1 on dialysis, waiting for transplant), fatty liver (2 cases), diabetes (1 case - this guy never had blood sugar issues) and 10+people with skin eruptions (nasty red boils/rashes all over the body).
its been what, 3 years since the satanic vaxx?
how a bout a decade down the line? how many of these seemingly "healthy" people suddenly develop cancers, heart attacks and strokes?
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