Of course there are conspiracies involved. The only thing in doubt is the true nature of them.
Why make up "death by Covid" numbers when the vast majority died of something else while testing "positive"? Why destroy national economies? Why (attempt to, more or less depending on country) force experimental vaccines on people? Why throw out the standard pandemic response and go for "lockdowns"? Media, institutions, human rights groups, medical groups, etc all moving in lockstep?
There are millions of questions, all of which are being studiously ignored or more likely censored, while at COPE 27 they bring up things like how to enforce vaccines and vaccine passports better for the "next pandemic". WHO and government orgs discussing the same things, Etc etc.
If the more wacky conspiracy theories aren't true, then the powers that be have been throwing high octane jet fuel on to the fire and making them blaze into an inferno, because many of them are currently, at the very least, plausible. At best, it is a given that all the major institutions are totally and utterly captured by certain interests, with no escape possible for the foreseeable future.
I mean you yourself have a prime example in your own country; Boris and the rest of parliament partying into the night during the height of the "deadly pandemic", getting shitfaced, not caring about masks, distancing, etc all while preaching doom, and people getting arrested for farting outside their doorstep at the wrong time, unless they were clapping for the NHS. Obviously your own politicians thought the whole thing was a hoot, and nothing to worry about, yet they still went on doomsaying and enforcing draconian laws as if they were in the middle of the Bubonic Plague. Meanwhile numbers were cooked, crisis actors deployed to pretend to be suffering Rona patients, the list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, this should be enough to wake anyone up, let alone all the rest of the nonsense involved. Normally people like politicians, businessmen, etc make sure their skin is the first thing saved, but we have examples everywhere, perfectly illustrated by the Boris Parties, full of fat, old, unhealthy creatures that should be on the higher end of the Rona death spectrum, that the whole thing was obviously a nonsense.
So, if it was a nonsense, as they plainly knew it was by their actions, what was all this societal and economic (and deaths via their cure) destruction all about?
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