Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2006-06-04 14:06:00

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What is life
Dzejolis "What is life". 10 Maijs 2006
My life seems to be endless, every day is like a night,
Sun shines as faintly as a moon, I have to fight
Even myself, my weeknesses, I realize
These days are even worse than nightmares, I have had,
Then I look forward and I see,
How many barriers do I have in front of me,
However many I do have behind,
But I suspect that so much more of these
Behind the horisont are hidden from my eyes,
They can be high and sudden, I may get surprised,
Still I will never let myslef lay down my head,
I'll keep on going forwards for the dreams I have.

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