Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2006-01-23 20:48:00

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Guitars and left-handed
Usually the guitar is held with left hand to fretboard and with right hand body. So is the way, I hold guitar. I am right handed.

When I see lefthanded people taking a guitar, they do it vise-versa. Of course, that's because they are left handed. They say, it is more comfortable that way.
However, when it was the first time, when I took a guitar in my hands, I took it vise-versa, as if I were lefthanded. And I remember what I was thinking about back then.

In my opinion the main job, while playing, is done by a hand picking frets, not strings. It was much easier to pick the string, rather than pushing and holding it to a fret. This is the point, where I do not understand left handed people. They are naturally better at working with left hand, however they still chose to do like the right handed - primary job is picking strings, secondary is picking frets. It is alright, if only the accompaniment is played. Now solo requires some more.
Sometimes I think, that guitar was made by a lefthanded man.

Right-handed part of society were the first to learn how to play it, but they never took notice of the fact, that the inventor of guitar is left handed, so they did it like him. The next is, that left-handed learn to play guitar, too. But there is a stereotype, that lefthanded do everything vise-versa, so they switched the sides also for a guitar play, not even realising, that the guitar had already been made for them.

Now there is a left-handed guitar, to satisfy this stereotype. Anyway, did anybody see a left-handed piano with keys vise-versa?

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