Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2006-01-23 20:46:00

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Building a life
I have always thought, that my life is a continuous thing. That everything, happenned before is an inevitable beginning for everything, that will be in the future. I thought, every event in my life is like a brick and the life itself is the building.

Now I realise, that the bricks in my life are not the same - they are different. And it is evident, that it's impossible to build a regular walls with irregular bricks.

"To correct mistakes"
If I take an irregular brick in my hand, I must either put it back and forget about it, or give it the correct shape suitable for the wall, I currently build.

"Versatality of life"
Some bricks are regular, but different size or shape. The best would be to take measure of each brick and to sort them. When bricks are sorted, I can use each type for separate parts of the building.

"To change the life"
It there are irregular walls built, because of irregular bricks in it. Such walls must be dismantled, the bricks have to be sorted. And then built from new.
It is possible however to correct the wall by not to completely dismantling it. The aim is just to replace the irregular bricks. The wall can be dismantled by parts. Irregular bricks replaced and corrected parts then but back to a wall like a puzzle. This is a difficult task though, but if done right, then effective.

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