Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2005-11-23 17:07:00

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This morning I woke up very early, at 6:00. There was no daylight, so I could see only the most relevant details of the objects around. I decided to keep the lights off. I got dressed, took my stuff from the shelves in almost complete darkness. There's nothing special in it, I admit. But, when it is hard to find something on the shelf, when the light is on, it seems strange to do easier with the lights off. Usually when the lights are on and I place objects elsewhere, I always forget, where I place them. But this time, in the darkness, I remembered my every action, so it was much easier to operate with the stuff. Possible explaination of this would be, that when the light is on, other objects might distract my attention, so making me forget about the essential objects. Another explaination would be, that in the light my mind does not rely on my memory, since it is not necessary, because I can look around; whereas in the dark a mind must rely only on memory. Memory is more effective in this case, because it's impossible to see everything around anyway. Darkness makes mind rely on memory, not sight, thus improving the ability to use the familiar environment. I should add however, that I didn't risk to cut the bread in darkness - I went to the kitchen in the end.

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