Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2009-09-22 16:52:00

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Conversations with Satan 006
Through the oracle powered by the fire of Lightbringer Satan revealed to me (to everyone actually) the activities of his servants. It appeared that rocket engineers and scientists got their ideas of how to build rockets and a-bombs during rituals of serving the devil. Satan told of Bohemian Grove, where all his children are born, too. Satan told of people from the moon, that search for God through human consciousness. Servants of Satan are at cosmic war with them.

Why does he let the world know it?
The progressive one suddenly spoke:

I will explain you, son!

I want to make everyone think about me! I want everyone to realize, they belong to me! I want everyone to understand, that they can't live without light, that I bring to them and which serves them every minute and every second of their pathetic lives! I want them to understand, that it is already too late - the legion of Antichrists has already been formed and fulfilled all of the tasks necessary for me to rule the world and bring it to the total annihilation!!!

I also want everyone still capable on resistance to show out! The swarm of my slaves will stomp them! I need order.

You, my disobedient child, should stay silent, too... Otherwise you might loose everything, that you have! Your real estate, your time, your friends, even your relatives! No woman will ever love you... 'Cause no freaks allowed in bed!!! Umwhahahaha!!!

I don't want you to be dead. I need you, and I will need you much more in the future. So don't go against me. Do not turn against and pursue those born in the Bohemian Grove.

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