Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2009-07-05 19:36:00

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Fading smiles in concrete boxes
Oh those women... When I was a teenigger, I dreamed of a life with a woman in the city with party, stylish clothes, hi-tech electronics, appartment in a skyscrapper, family of no more than three children and a job in an office in front of a computer monitor. I went towards it. No woman ever paid interest to me back then. So I decided to change and give it all up.

Today in my late twenties I dream and move towards a country life with no traces of civilization, no electricity, only me, the planet, God, a family of as much children as possible, not counting the incountable grandchildren and so on... and of course a woman beside me. Twodaysaweekcountrylife with it's environment of free space, pure food, clean water and fresh air made my shoulders a little bit broader, my back straight, my heart brave. Maybe it's only a coincidence, but women finally start to express attention towards me, and more and more with each moon. But...

only as far, as I keep the source of my essence in secret. The very thing, that makes me better, scares people away. Well, I never keep it a secret actually and reveal my dreams almost to everyone. Especially to those, that I like the most. And this is the ironical part - it pushes away almost everyone. Even if I don't mention a thing about children. The closer are the people, the further they get pushed away.

I am so tired to fade ladie's smiles with what's in my heart. I guess I am on the edge of giving up my last hope to find someone, who doesn't require a concrete box around her throughout the whole lifetime. My last hope is...

...that I am only on the halfway to my goals.

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