Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2007-03-23 17:15:00

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TIME TO SAVE!!! ... the energy (EN)(LV)
Akumulatorus nav ieteicams ilgi neizmantot - 1x nedēļā jāļauj kompim nedaudz pastrādāt tikai uz baterijas, bet ja ilgi jāglabā, tad ieteicams, lai akumulators būtu ielādēts robežāš 20%-50%; ja kompi izslēdz, tad jāatštepselē arī no rozetes; akumulatoru jālādē regulāri.

- Do not leave batteries unused for long periods of time. If you have more than one battery, rotate them.
- Use the battery as the power source at least once a week.
- Unplug the ac adapter when the HP OmniBook PC is not in use.
- To preserve the life of the battery, be sure to charge the battery regularly.
- For long-term storage, the battery must be charged at 20 to 50% to save capacity loss by self-discharge and to avoid deterioration of battery performance. In a discharged condition, the battery voltage decreases faster. Storage in a 100% charged condition can cause higher self-discharge and deterioration of discharge capacity, even after recharging, compared to storage in a 20 to 50% charged condition.
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