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[20. Jan 2014|14:03]
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saiteatstāt nospiedumu

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Date:20. Janvāris 2014 - 23:12
''Gandrīz visi sūdzas par garlaicību skolā, par adekvātu diskusiju trūkumu, par "vajadzību būt sekliem" lai uzturētu veiksmīgus sociālos kontaktus.''

Man vienmēr ir bijusi šī problēma, bet kaut kā stipri apšaubu augstu IQ. Varbūt tas megaIQ gravitē uz visādām autiskām nodarbēm, uz kurām tad cilvēks fokusējas ar tādu apsēstību, ka par visu pārējo runāt garlaicīgi? Kas faktiski par garlaicīgu padara tieši viņu pašu. Manā gadījumā bija vienkārši perceptētais citu ģenerālais stulbums, jo runāt būtu bijis daudz par ko, bet ne interesanti. Ar gudru cilvēku var interesanti parunāt kā par filozofiju tā futbolu. Tajā pašā laikā esmu sastapis ļoti seklus cilvēkus, kas izlasījuši piecsimt vairāk grāmatu par ''dziļām'' tēmām, nekā es, bet redzams, ka prosta nerubī un prot tikai bombardēt ar nodrāztām klišejām.
[User Picture]
Date:20. Janvāris 2014 - 23:51
"For most of my childhood, I developed friendships by avoiding talk of anything particularly substantive and instead filling my conversations with jokes, talk daily life, and with smarter people, novels or "cool" ideas in science or the humanities. I was a jerk through middle school, and identified "the smart guy", as I was basically reduced to that archetype by everyone around me, including friends and family. In high school, I was able to find friends I could discuss substantive philosophical issues with and so forth, but I always took the lead and never really got much from conversations beyond the joy of hearing myself talk. In general, I didn't make any deep friendships because much of my free time was spent reading or, worse, thinking. It's not because I felt uncomfortable around people, it's just that I enjoyed learning more."
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 20:29
Izklausās pēc labas tiesas narcisisma un autisma klāt. Dīpus frendšipus neveido, jo var nepārtraukti runāt par Hēgeli, bet tāpēc, ka simpātiskas personas cilvēciskās īpašības. Varbūt tas vnk iet komplektā ar augstu IQ.
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 22:50
pretīmrunāšana pretīmrunāšanas dēļ.
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 22:51
I struggled in school in 1st grade, and was largely placed with the 'slower' kids. According to my mother, in a grade school assignment I filled out the question "My class mates are _______ than me" with the word 'Smarter.' This prompted her to have me tested, in paticular for dyslexia since it had also affected her brother.

As part of the battery of tests, I was given an IQ test, and scored in the 150s. Schools didn't know what to do with me. I had a learning disability, so I needed special ed. I was smart.... so I should be in an accelerated program. No one knew what to do with that. My father was in the millitary. Every year or two, I got to watch another school try to figure out what to do with me. The best teacher I had was the special ed teacher who realized I couldn't succeed in the normal class, but that I needed harder work, not easier work. She gave me assignments and text books 1-2 grades up.

For the most part, I spent a lot of time bored. I had really bad grades. Math was hard for me to get good grades in because teachers insisted that you 'show your work.' For me, there was no work. I looked at the problem, and the answer seemed intuitive.

In school, I spent a lot of time getting As on tests, and Fs on everything else.
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 23:24
Kur tad es runāju pretim? Viņš pats saka, ka nespēja veidot draudzību. Ja tas bija dēļ augstā IQ, tātad ar to komplektā nāk arī kaut kād sociāla mazspēja. Ja nē, tātad konkrēti viņam tāda bija. Vai tad neviens visi high IQ keksi ir tik nedraudzīgi?
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Date:22. Janvāris 2014 - 01:47
wtf. tu sauc par autistisku cilvēku, kurš "In general, I have no problem talking to other people and have developed a strong sense of how not to be an asshole. At the start of high school I was deeply afraid of being a terrible person in that sense, and made sure that I wasn't anymore."

Kārtējo reizi redzams, ka jūs (viss bars) tik ļoti dzīvojat izolācijā no pārējās sabiedrības, ka uzskati ir pilnībā zaudējuši saistību ar realitāti.

Tu pat nesaproti, ka otrs fragments nav par to pašu cilvēku.
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Date:22. Janvāris 2014 - 07:11
Es nerunāju par otru fragmentu, bet jā, cilvēkam, kas nespēj sadraudzēties tikai tāpēc, ka nevar caurām dienām runāt par Hēgeli, ir nopietnas problēmas ar socializāciju. Vai arī ir narciss, jo ''i no can be friend to these silly plebians so i only read books all day'' ir fakap attieksme high IQ or not. Draudzība ir spēja releitot emocionāli. Spēja formāli iemācīties t.s. ''social cues'' piemīt arī sociopātiem un psihopātiem.

Nu bet labi, OPs laikam bija par to vai high IQ keksus ''jādiskriminē'', sūtot viņus uz specskolām vai kā citādāk jāizolē no normāļiem, līdz ko tiek detektēts tas ūber IQ, vai tā?
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Date:22. Janvāris 2014 - 07:12
Un nesaprotu par ko jātrako.