making sense - [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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[20. Jan 2014|14:03]
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Date:20. Janvāris 2014 - 23:51
"For most of my childhood, I developed friendships by avoiding talk of anything particularly substantive and instead filling my conversations with jokes, talk daily life, and with smarter people, novels or "cool" ideas in science or the humanities. I was a jerk through middle school, and identified "the smart guy", as I was basically reduced to that archetype by everyone around me, including friends and family. In high school, I was able to find friends I could discuss substantive philosophical issues with and so forth, but I always took the lead and never really got much from conversations beyond the joy of hearing myself talk. In general, I didn't make any deep friendships because much of my free time was spent reading or, worse, thinking. It's not because I felt uncomfortable around people, it's just that I enjoyed learning more."
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 20:29
Izklausās pēc labas tiesas narcisisma un autisma klāt. Dīpus frendšipus neveido, jo var nepārtraukti runāt par Hēgeli, bet tāpēc, ka simpātiskas personas cilvēciskās īpašības. Varbūt tas vnk iet komplektā ar augstu IQ.
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Date:21. Janvāris 2014 - 22:50
pretīmrunāšana pretīmrunāšanas dēļ.