"[W]here the problem of suffering is concerned with threats to our ability to put our "undisciplined squads of emotion " into some sort of soldierly order, the problem of evil is concerned with threats to our ability to make sound moral judgments. What is involved in the problem of evil is not the adequacy of our symbolic resources to govern our affective life, but the adequacy of those resources to provide a workable set of ethical criteria, normative guides to govern our action. The vexation here is the gap between things as they are and as they ought to be if our conceptions of right and wrong make sense, the gap between what we deem various individuals deserve and what we see that they get - a phenomenon summed up in that profound quatrain:
The rain falls on the just
And on the unjust fella;
But mainly upon the just,
Because the unjust has the just's umbrella."
- Geertz, Religion As a Cultural System
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