cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2014-02-22 14:10:00

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Gun­tis Šmid­chens, The Power of Song: Nonviolent National Culture in the Baltic Singing Revolution

The Power of Song shows how the peo­ple of Esto­nia, Latvia, and Lithua­nia con­fronted a mil­i­tary super­power and achieved inde­pen­dence in the Baltic “singing rev­o­lu­tion.” When attacked by Soviet sol­diers in pub­lic dis­plays of vio­lent force, singing Balts main­tained faith in non­vi­o­lent polit­i­cal action. More than 110 choral, rock, and folk songs are trans­lated and inter­preted in poetic, cul­tural, and his­tor­i­cal context.

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