cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2013-09-18 13:25:00

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Ķermenis, attīstība, iedomātais, robežas un biotehnoloģijas, visnotaļ interesanti mākslinieki un projekti. Piemēram, Stelarc un Orlan; pētnieciskā laboratorija SymbioticA, kurā sadarbojas biomākslinieki un zinātnieki, arī radot platformu publiskās izglītības projektiem par biozinātni.

"Bioartistic experimentation beyond the current state of the craft of biology is in dialogue both with the (secularised) medical imaginery and with the religious and familial imaginary of the people suddenly on dialysis machines, living with organs from others, with prostheses, immunosuppresants, and other interventions and pharmakons [...] Art performances only gesture in the direction of these technologies and seem crude in comparison, yet provide a kind of advance publicity in a realm protected from the ethical frontiers of medicine." - Michael M.J. Fischer, Body Marks (Bestial/Natural/Divine): An Essay on the Social and Biotechnical Imaginaries, 1920-2008, and Bodies to Come

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