Ir gadījies dzirdēt par "armchair anthropologist", ko varētu latviski tulkot kā kabineta, vai klubkrēsla antropologs. Slavenākais šeit droši vien būtu Marsels Mauss, kurš, neveicis praktiskus lauka pētījumus, deva nozīmīgu ieguldījumu etnoloģijā (antropoloģijas apakšnozarē, kas salīdzina dažādas kultūras un sabiedrības).
Šodien, klejojot interneta ārēs, uzgāju glītu fotogrāfiju ar kungu, sēžam ar fesku galvā un blakus papagaili būrī:

Hermann Vollrath Hilprecht in his study in Istanbul c. 1895 (unknown
photographer). Digital print. Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, USA.
The German-trained Hermann Vollrath Hilprecht was Professor of
Assyriology at Penn. He claimed to be too delicate to carry out actual
excavations (complaining about the bugs, beggars and his colleagues) so
oversaw the Nippur site from a desk in Istanbul, and later from
Philadelphia. He nonetheless took credit for ten years’ worth of finds
at the site. Ultimately accused of faking work and stealing artifacts,
Hilprecht was forced to resign his professorship.
Kā izrādās, var būt arī kabineta arheologs. Un grūti noliegt, ka kaut kas pievilcīgs tajā tomēr ir: "claimed to be too delicate to carry out actual
excavations (complaining about the bugs, beggars and his colleagues)".
Middle East Cuts
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