cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2011-10-05 13:58:00

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"In the United States there are few nuances in the popular understanding of the relationships between social structural constraints and individual failure. As a result, intellectuals have retreated from fray and have unreflexively latched on to positive representations of the oppressed that those who have been poor, or lived among the poor, know to be completely unrealistic. Indeed, I have noticed this when presenting the main arguments of this book in academic settings. Progressive and often cultural nationalist colleagues - who are almost always middle class - often seem to be incapable of hearing the arguments I am making. Instead, some react in outrage at superficial images taken out of context. It is as if they are so terrified of the potential for "negative connotations" that they feel compelled to suppress complex, unpleasant messages before even listening to them. Ironically, many of their criticisms in these public academic settings embody central dimensions of precisely what I am trying to convey in these pages about the individual experience of structural oppression."

- Bourgois P., "In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio", p.15

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