gale ([info]gale) rakstīja,
@ 2005-10-26 09:00:00

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Mūzika:Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry

Dont worry 'cause I'm a supergirl :)
Kas gribees aiziet un kam buus lemts aiziet, tas aizies. Gaajeejus nenotureesi. Ne ar draudiem, ne ar raushiem. [Vai ne, spoguliit?!] So - 'don't worry, be happy!!!'

You can tell by the way, she walks that she's my girl
You can tell by the way, she talks that she rules the world..

Upd.: Labriit ;)

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2005-10-26 11:20 (saite)
Banaans par apkjeeriibu! ;)

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