Skaistule ([info]frikadele) rakstīja,
@ 2017-10-13 17:12:00

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re, cik mili
Hear me say 'hear my pain'.
Call the Gods to answer me.
Frika come! Frika come!
Promise and enlightenment abounded.
Felled like trees the pillars that held me high.
Running blind, running blind.
On stony ground I stumble and vow return.
Inside there is gentleness.
Calm preceding tears.
Cry again, cry again.
Moment of toil.
Call the Gods to answer me.
Hear me say 'hear my pain'.
Call the Gods to answer me.
Frika come! Frika come!
Inside there is anger now.

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2005-10-13 19:04 (saite)
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