Flaw ([info]flaw) rakstīja,
@ 2003-07-17 10:29:00

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Garastāvoklis:doma : draugi...
Mūzika:Mudvayne - World so Cold ...

When passion's lost, and all the trust is gone, way too far for way too long.
Children crying, cast out and neglected... only in a world so cold, only in a
world this cold.

Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes, then watch them
drift away.
Some might say we've done the wrong things for way too long, for way too long...

Fever inside the storm, so I'm turning away. Away from the name (calling your
Away from the stones (throw sticks and stones) Cause I'm through mending the
wounds of us.
Keep your thorns, cause I'm running away. Away from the games (fucking head
Away from the space (hate this head space) The circumstances of a world so


/World so Cold/

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2003-07-18 09:41 (saite)
Bet protams sauljuk :) es tak neesmu nekaada dzejniece atceries?> :P es tak nekaa nevar sakariiga uzrakstiit :) un vispaar jau apakshaa ir rakstiic kas taa par dziesmu ;) tipa Mudvayne - World so Cold ;)

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