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ha ha, sikie :))
Sickness Quotient: 43%
Congratulations! At a 43% "Sickness Quotient", you're almost well-adjusted.
Detailed Diagnosis
Interpersonal Insights
You are utterly incapable of meaningful relationships, which is probably a good thing since you're a horrible bore under the best of conditions. Your friends (both of them) think you're a total clod. As long as you continue to buy the beer, however, they'll still be your pals.
Job Performance & Attitude
You have little empathy for anyone more successful at work than you, which is pretty much everyone. You hate your job but will never leave it. That's because no one else will hire people whose job skills consist of sleeping and surfing the web.
Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "I'm Okay, You're Okay!" Believe me, nothing could be further from the truth.
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