brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
Sure - but I think the problem is we are next to Russia, not Belgium or Luxembourg. It is a bitch, but that is life. If you talk about developing your own nuclear weapons (taa bija, vai ne?), then well, what do you think is going to happen? A superpower is going to say, well okay 'no problem'? Moreover, I think this goes back to 2014 and the large demographic that didn't recognise what happened in Kiev, and the subsequent war that claimed - what 14,000 lives? My suspicion is that a lot of this is down to the Ukranians having been egged on by those same old Neo-cons (then and now), who are now leaving them to hang out to dry. It is a crying shame. But, well what do you think... it looks like either humiliation or WW3 with millions dead and mushroom clouds. There could be different outcomes, of course. I know fuck all about geopolitics. Begemots wrote a good post about it recently.

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