Skabičevskis ([info]begemots) rakstīja,
Re: lūk!
un ciktāl par šo var uzticēties masu mēdijiem:

Why Brexit would be a disaster for your employment rights:

Imagine a country in which there is:

– No statutory right to paid holiday

– No legal limit on the number of hours employees can be required to work

– No right to a daily rest period

– No laws to prevent employers discriminating against workers who are disabled or who have particular religious beliefs

– No right for employees to take time off work to look after a sick child.

This was the UK before the New Labour government was elected in 1997. Since then a substantial number of employment rights have been introduced – most of which have their roots in EU legislation.

Un tur tālāk vēl par to, kāpēc ir pamats domāt, ka šīs tiesības var tiešām mēģināt atcelt.

(Lasīt komentārus)


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