Ziemeļputenis ([info]explosive) rakstīja,
@ 2003-04-27 19:41:00

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when I see you, walking, dreaming.
visions of clouds disappear.
the moon is cold in the darkness,
I can't see any light, shining here.

it's dark out here.
and I'm getting cold.
it's dark out here.
and my trusts been sold.

the shadow of you reflection,
shines through.
I could not foresee,
these things, happing to me.
our worlds are drifting apart.
but I'm still wondering,
just who and why.

it's dark out here.
and I'm getting cold.
it's dark out here.
and my trusts been sold.
it's dark out here.
nobody cares for me

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2003-04-27 20:02 (saite)
doo, Tu pat mekleji? :DDD

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2003-04-27 20:04 (saite)
ak, piedod, ka nezinaaju no galvas Tavas, na haljavu no interneta plashumiem panjemtaas, lirikas ;PPPP

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